Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 24:

Distracted; Having the attention diverted.

A surprisingly smooth Monday! Alllll day i had other things on my mind, like home, family, friends, and i will even admit, boys. haha. Well, mostly just one in particular.. haha. But anyway,,, school, naps, food, they all went by in a breeze! Oh, except Liz accidentally took the baby seat for the car with her in the other car, so Marta had to pick Anna up to and from school! Anna wore her favorite dress and 'biggies' (tights) so she could be the prettiest one at school! And i am sure she was! My best friend Alex and i hopped on skype for a bit, and we chatted, he met Ava and kind of met Anna... lol! She was hiding! But that was way fun! After that we went to the park! Now, we didn't have the car seat,, so we walked. pahahaha. Its a LOT longer of a walk than it is a drive! lol! I was fine, but Anna rode her bike, and she had to take a lot of rests! Good thing we remembered to bring water! Everyone at the park wanted to take turns on her bike, so she got really frustrated and just sat by me and Ava for a while! The walk home was the worst though. There are lots of hills, and Anna hasn't yet mastered how to push her bike, so i did a lot of stroller/bike pushing, which i am sure looked so pathetic to the people driving by! haha! Actually, i looked so pathetic, one of the neighbors offered to drive the bike back to our house. Hallelujah! lol! We made a thank you card for her, and i am planning on making a batch of cooookies as well. :) So that was exhausting, and killed a lot of time! When we got home, we played a few games, and the parents came home soon after that! They had FHE, but i decided not to go, because last time, it killed my sleeping schedule, and i think thats what caused the mono again! So.. i will just have to manage my time better i think! Anyway,, what a day.

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