Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Little Snippet.
I thought i would mention how much i miss my home. Don't get me wrong, i am having a grand ole time, and experiencing things that i would never have dreamed of. But a part of me is constantly aching for my family, friends, and hometown.
There is truly no place like home.
And i wanted to say thank you to all of you who make me miss it so dearly. Even if you never look at this post on blogger.com. haha! I love you with every inch of my beating heart. :)
I thought i would mention how much i miss my home. Don't get me wrong, i am having a grand ole time, and experiencing things that i would never have dreamed of. But a part of me is constantly aching for my family, friends, and hometown.
There is truly no place like home.
And i wanted to say thank you to all of you who make me miss it so dearly. Even if you never look at this post on blogger.com. haha! I love you with every inch of my beating heart. :)
Day: Who even knows... I'll get back to you on that one!
Paradise; A place of extreme beauty, delight or happiness.
Well hello there, its definitely been a while! Soooo much has happened since that last post! Things with the family are fantastic! I thank my lucky stars that i got this family! They are the best thing i could've asked for! Actually, i am going to try and do more things for them in appreciation of how amazing they are to me! :) Anna, Ava and i are bonding quite nicely! They are the cutest little gals in all of New York! My nanny pals are just the best! Tanea is leaving in May, so that kinda sucks! :( Buuuut she will be working in San Diego for cryin out loud, so in a way she is the luckiest one! haha! Everyone else is staying until at least September i think... so that means more time to paaaartay! haha!
So this past week i went on a cruise to a little place i like to call the Bahamas. I DIDN'T WANT TO COME BACK. hahaha! oh my gooodness, it was the best vacation ever!! We stopped on three islands, Key West, Nassau, and Coco Cay! In Key West we went parasailing, that was thrilling for sure! haha! And the guys working on the boat were hilarious! They like kept trying to hug us when they were putting our gear on, and they danced all funny at the front of the boat! (i will post that vid when i get it on my comp.) After that we went to the beach and just laid out like you're supposed to do on vacation in paradise! haha! Oh and one of the funniest things throughout the whole trip was Penny goin out and talking to the young men for us, and every time we met someone new, she would find out their life story! haha! She is sooo great! :) Poor Melissa was sick for the beginning of the cruise, but luckily she had some intense meds that healed her by the end! haha! So on Nassau we rented scooters for the day, and that was just a strait up adventure!! First of all, they didn't tell us that we were supposed to drive on the left side of the road! And second, they sent us down a one way THE WRONG WAY! haha! The natives were goin crazy!! haha! After that we kinda got the hang of it..... except Laurin about got smashed by about 3 busses! haha! We buzzed around on the scoots lookin for the shops, and checkin out the beaches! It was way pretty! Then we went to the famous Atlantis Resort! It is HUGE! And probably one of the coolest buildings i have ever seen! They did a way good job at making it look like the 'lost city'! The only thing was... by the time we got there, nobody was outside, it was eerie! ha! Actually we discovered that all the pools were closed by 5.... lame status. haha! After that we decided we wanted to eat somewhere, so we asked around and guess where they suggested we eat??? The Poop Deck. No joke. hahahaha! And we almost did! Buuut the prices were a little high, so we just decided to eat for free on the ship! ha! Next stop was Coco Cay! This is the little island that the actual cruise line owns! And this is where we went snorkeling! We got our gear first thing, and headed out! It was a bit windy this day, plus it was kinda early in the day, so it was a bit chilly to say the least! haha! But it was waaay cool still! We saw little fish! it was my first time doin that too, so i was fascinated! ha! The rest of the day we walked around and ate some lunch and just chilled! Man i love the Bahamas! :) Now i gotta tell you about the fooooood. Talk about fine dining!!! haha! Breakfast and Lunch we did the buffet, which was a nice assortment of food! And i am pretty sure we all got pineapple with EVERY meal! For real! haha! And now dinner...... I really felt like i was in a rich people restaurant! haha! And our waiter!! His name was Roche! He was THE best waiter anyone could ask for! Every night he would suggest something for us to eat, and if we didn't order it.... he brought it out anyway so we could try it! haha! And he would bring us out extra desserts, ANYTHING we wanted, for real! One night three of us ordered the Tiger Garlic Shrimp,, it came with 5 pieces of shrimp, a big pile of rice, and broccoli and tomatoes, and it was delicious!!! Buuut we wanted more shrimp. Somehow Roche read our minds and asked if we wanted more shrimp! Of course we said yes, right? Well out he comes with three plates with THE WHOLE MEAL. Oooooh snap. haha! So we ate as much as we could! haha! After every meal i felt like i was gonna explode! haha! And Wissem was our water/roll boy, and he was the same way,, he brought us roll after roll, and refilled our water like every 5 minutes! haha! man, that's the life eh?? jk, if thats what it was like, i would be extremely FAT. ha! So, if you haven't been on a cruise, i would suggest going! Twas phenom.
Another event i went to, that was pretty interesting, was The West Point Ball! It was a blind date, and soooo random! haha! But it was way cool too! We got to dress up all fancy, and freaking West Point is BIG! And it looks like a castle! And they let us keep our little wine glasses, it was sweeeet! haha! To be honest, the only reason me and Krista and Janell were invited was because Tony 'Sagastazadoo'..... i don't know his real last name.... anyway, he wanted to take Melissa way bad! He like conned his way into this date with her... He is in love with her i swear!! haha! Buuuut Melissa isn't interested.... haha! But at least we all got the experience, right?
There are 16 days til DISNEYLAND with the fam! I'm pumped! And i know its not tooo likely, but i hope Lyss and Micky can come!!!
Paradise; A place of extreme beauty, delight or happiness.
Well hello there, its definitely been a while! Soooo much has happened since that last post! Things with the family are fantastic! I thank my lucky stars that i got this family! They are the best thing i could've asked for! Actually, i am going to try and do more things for them in appreciation of how amazing they are to me! :) Anna, Ava and i are bonding quite nicely! They are the cutest little gals in all of New York! My nanny pals are just the best! Tanea is leaving in May, so that kinda sucks! :( Buuuut she will be working in San Diego for cryin out loud, so in a way she is the luckiest one! haha! Everyone else is staying until at least September i think... so that means more time to paaaartay! haha!
So this past week i went on a cruise to a little place i like to call the Bahamas. I DIDN'T WANT TO COME BACK. hahaha! oh my gooodness, it was the best vacation ever!! We stopped on three islands, Key West, Nassau, and Coco Cay! In Key West we went parasailing, that was thrilling for sure! haha! And the guys working on the boat were hilarious! They like kept trying to hug us when they were putting our gear on, and they danced all funny at the front of the boat! (i will post that vid when i get it on my comp.) After that we went to the beach and just laid out like you're supposed to do on vacation in paradise! haha! Oh and one of the funniest things throughout the whole trip was Penny goin out and talking to the young men for us, and every time we met someone new, she would find out their life story! haha! She is sooo great! :) Poor Melissa was sick for the beginning of the cruise, but luckily she had some intense meds that healed her by the end! haha! So on Nassau we rented scooters for the day, and that was just a strait up adventure!! First of all, they didn't tell us that we were supposed to drive on the left side of the road! And second, they sent us down a one way THE WRONG WAY! haha! The natives were goin crazy!! haha! After that we kinda got the hang of it..... except Laurin about got smashed by about 3 busses! haha! We buzzed around on the scoots lookin for the shops, and checkin out the beaches! It was way pretty! Then we went to the famous Atlantis Resort! It is HUGE! And probably one of the coolest buildings i have ever seen! They did a way good job at making it look like the 'lost city'! The only thing was... by the time we got there, nobody was outside, it was eerie! ha! Actually we discovered that all the pools were closed by 5.... lame status. haha! After that we decided we wanted to eat somewhere, so we asked around and guess where they suggested we eat??? The Poop Deck. No joke. hahahaha! And we almost did! Buuut the prices were a little high, so we just decided to eat for free on the ship! ha! Next stop was Coco Cay! This is the little island that the actual cruise line owns! And this is where we went snorkeling! We got our gear first thing, and headed out! It was a bit windy this day, plus it was kinda early in the day, so it was a bit chilly to say the least! haha! But it was waaay cool still! We saw little fish! it was my first time doin that too, so i was fascinated! ha! The rest of the day we walked around and ate some lunch and just chilled! Man i love the Bahamas! :) Now i gotta tell you about the fooooood. Talk about fine dining!!! haha! Breakfast and Lunch we did the buffet, which was a nice assortment of food! And i am pretty sure we all got pineapple with EVERY meal! For real! haha! And now dinner...... I really felt like i was in a rich people restaurant! haha! And our waiter!! His name was Roche! He was THE best waiter anyone could ask for! Every night he would suggest something for us to eat, and if we didn't order it.... he brought it out anyway so we could try it! haha! And he would bring us out extra desserts, ANYTHING we wanted, for real! One night three of us ordered the Tiger Garlic Shrimp,, it came with 5 pieces of shrimp, a big pile of rice, and broccoli and tomatoes, and it was delicious!!! Buuut we wanted more shrimp. Somehow Roche read our minds and asked if we wanted more shrimp! Of course we said yes, right? Well out he comes with three plates with THE WHOLE MEAL. Oooooh snap. haha! So we ate as much as we could! haha! After every meal i felt like i was gonna explode! haha! And Wissem was our water/roll boy, and he was the same way,, he brought us roll after roll, and refilled our water like every 5 minutes! haha! man, that's the life eh?? jk, if thats what it was like, i would be extremely FAT. ha! So, if you haven't been on a cruise, i would suggest going! Twas phenom.
Another event i went to, that was pretty interesting, was The West Point Ball! It was a blind date, and soooo random! haha! But it was way cool too! We got to dress up all fancy, and freaking West Point is BIG! And it looks like a castle! And they let us keep our little wine glasses, it was sweeeet! haha! To be honest, the only reason me and Krista and Janell were invited was because Tony 'Sagastazadoo'..... i don't know his real last name.... anyway, he wanted to take Melissa way bad! He like conned his way into this date with her... He is in love with her i swear!! haha! Buuuut Melissa isn't interested.... haha! But at least we all got the experience, right?
There are 16 days til DISNEYLAND with the fam! I'm pumped! And i know its not tooo likely, but i hope Lyss and Micky can come!!!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 94:
Lost; Bewildered as to place, direction, etc.
It is early in the morning. 7:44 to be exact. I am starting to write because, as you can see from my dictionary word, i am a little confused. And the thing is, i'm not even sure what I am confused about. I am kind of getting a weird vibe from Lizjosh, and i'm not sure what that's about, or if i am imagining it. Its a new year, i should be full of motivation and ambition, but i just feel like something is missing. My goals for the day are to put the girls first in every situaltion, try not to eat so much, and remember the Lord all day long. I have yet to write my New Years Resolutions. I think i will try and do that tonight! As well as go to bed a lot earlier! haha! Last night was FHE, and it was really great! We just played a few get to know you games and had refreshments, but what makes the ward the best is the people in it! I feel like i belong 100% in there, which is a wonderful feeling!! I love having people my age to relate to!
Ava and i just dropped Anna off at school! Now it is time for Av's nap!
So we both slept a good hour. hahaha!
Wellp, that was nice. :)
P.S. Anna had a serious night terror last night. :( Those things are scary. But today she woke up a complete sweetheart, complete opposite from yesterday. Yesterday there was a lot of sass comin from that one! Liz told me i need to be more firm with her... nice, but firm. I've never been good at being firm, but i guess that is one more thing to learn! :)
Just me and Ava right now! She is adorable. Strait up adorable.
Anna got back home, and we played around, watched spongebob, and had some hot cocoa! :)
I went to the gym... not for very long, but at least i went, right?? haha!
Now its time for bed! I am at a reallllly good part in the BOM right now! Its when Jesus is coming to visit the Americas! Love it!
Lost; Bewildered as to place, direction, etc.
It is early in the morning. 7:44 to be exact. I am starting to write because, as you can see from my dictionary word, i am a little confused. And the thing is, i'm not even sure what I am confused about. I am kind of getting a weird vibe from Lizjosh, and i'm not sure what that's about, or if i am imagining it. Its a new year, i should be full of motivation and ambition, but i just feel like something is missing. My goals for the day are to put the girls first in every situaltion, try not to eat so much, and remember the Lord all day long. I have yet to write my New Years Resolutions. I think i will try and do that tonight! As well as go to bed a lot earlier! haha! Last night was FHE, and it was really great! We just played a few get to know you games and had refreshments, but what makes the ward the best is the people in it! I feel like i belong 100% in there, which is a wonderful feeling!! I love having people my age to relate to!
Ava and i just dropped Anna off at school! Now it is time for Av's nap!
So we both slept a good hour. hahaha!
Wellp, that was nice. :)
P.S. Anna had a serious night terror last night. :( Those things are scary. But today she woke up a complete sweetheart, complete opposite from yesterday. Yesterday there was a lot of sass comin from that one! Liz told me i need to be more firm with her... nice, but firm. I've never been good at being firm, but i guess that is one more thing to learn! :)
Just me and Ava right now! She is adorable. Strait up adorable.
Anna got back home, and we played around, watched spongebob, and had some hot cocoa! :)
I went to the gym... not for very long, but at least i went, right?? haha!
Now its time for bed! I am at a reallllly good part in the BOM right now! Its when Jesus is coming to visit the Americas! Love it!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 93:
Resolution; The act of resolving or determining upon an action, method, procedure, etc.
Oh my glory! I can't believe it is already day 93! Time flies! I hit my 3 month mark yesterday! I'm a quarter of the way through! haha! That is insane to me. I arrived back in NY on Thursday, due to a cancellation of my flight the Monday before! I'm not gonna lie, i was sooo stinkin excited to stay in Utah for another 3 days! I just need to say one thing... I LOVE UTAH. So much. It is my home, and there truly is no place like home. I missed my family and friends so much, but i didn't actually realize how much until i got to be with them. I probably seemed like the biggest creeper, because i caught myself just staring at everyone,,, because i WAS SO HAPPY TO BE WITH EVERYONE! haha! It was such an amazing break! I don't know if i will remember everything i did, or on what day, but i am going to try, just for fun!
Saturday the 18th-
Hmm.... dang it, already forgetting what i did. haha! Ope, i remember! That morning, i had to be home somewhere around 9ish so we could take some family pictures! They turned out absolutely darling, if i do say so myself! And it was so nice to all be together. That sounds so cheesy, but i mean it! I loved it. If i remember correctly, this was also the day we went ice skating! The salem singles ward was having an ice skating activity on the roof of Noah's, and Heath and i decided we wanted to go! She of course brought Jake, and i brought Braidan! It was a good time!! I actually didn't fall once, which was really good for me! ha!
All these days are kind of a blur. haha! But some key highlights were:
*Going to the Rowley residence multiple times. I SURE DID MISS THE ROWLEYS!
*Going to the Poulsen residence. I SURE DID MISS THE POULSENS AS WELL!
*Spending time with my bests. SURE DO LOVE MY BESTS!
*Random party with Ryan Reid and friends! haha. SURE DO LOVE RANDOM PARTIES AND RYAN!
*Going to get frozed yogurt for Becs birthday. I SURE DO LOVE FROZEN YOGURT. Also i got to see my great friend Evan this night. I think Evan is so great! What an awesome friend!!! I miss my little Ev chats. I SURE DO LOVE CHATTING WITH EV.
*Sleeping in. Something i missed dearly. I SURE DO LOVE SLEEPING IN.
*Morning talks with my dad. I SURE DO LOVE MY DAD!
*Playing supermarioworld with Alex. haha! I SURE DO LOVE SUPER MARIO WORLD. AND ALEX!
*Doin a little shopping. I SURE DO LOVE SHOPPING.
And that is all i remember for now!
Sunday the 26th-
Not gonna lie, Sunday was a blast!! First of all i got to participate in Elder Ryan Reid's farewell talk! We sang the EFY Medley, and it went reallly well! Ry also did great in his talk, i'm proud of him! He will be fantastic out there. After that i went to my home ward to sing there as well! I sang one of my favorite Christmas songs, it is like an undiscovered treasure! ha! It is called Little Did They Know. Its a lovely song! :) So that was good to be in the h-ward again! After church i was kind of somber, because it was supposedly my last day there. Hmmm... I got all packed up, and then.... looked at the comp. to check the status of the storm on the east coast,,, it wasn't lookin too good! Hundreds of flights were being cancelled! So we checked my flight plans and....
We called the airline, and turns out the next available flight is Thursday!
I wasn't bummed one bit!! haha! Because i love Utah. And i love my family. And i love my friends. And this just meant more time with them!!! Yes!!! Monday i went shopping with the fam, and then went over to chill at the apt. with the girls! P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA!!! :) Tuesday was the real celebration for Beccer-Lou. We went to Spark, which is kinda a thing for our girls! And we got in the hot tub! It was way sweet! Oh and me, becs and sandy, decided to go to a movie! We saw Easy A! It was HILARIOUS!! But not quite as funny as freaking Sandy telling us that one time she hit a dog and reported it to the police and when they asked her what kind of dog it was she answered "oh.. it was a white... you know... e-coli!" BAHAHAHAHAHA! That was the best thing ever. haha! Man! Wednesday was family day, and officially my last day in Utah. (:( Mixed emotions. ha! I honestly do love NY, its just not home, ya know? I imagine that's normal! So the fam drove up to SLC, and rented a hotel close to the airport! We went to dinner at Olive Garden, my choice! Then we went back to the hotel, got in the hot tub there, and then went to bed! It was nice to just be with them. I love my mommy. Just sayin. So the next afternoon it was time to say goodbye. Again, i was surprised with my composure! But if i would've let myself cry, who even knows when i would've stopped. ha! So that was my journey home. :)
It is now Monday the 3rd, so i gotta tell you about NEW YEARS!
Melissa (one of my new nanny friends) and i were determined to go into the city and see the ball drop. So we did. Spencer came too, we went into the city, and got as close as we could. Pahaha! Which wasn't very close at all, but it was close enough! :) It was a memorable moment. On the train ride back, there was a group of drunk college boys that decided to sit right behind us... yiippeeee. haha! They were kinda funny! I was wearing those gloves that are half gloves, and half mittens ya know? And one of the kids said, "look that girl has glittens!!!" ha! so the whole ride they would say things like 'high five glittens' and 'i gotta get me some glittens' and 'yay for glittens'! haha! It was hilar. Finally they got off. But this other super wasted guy was sitting in front of us, and he was like putting his foot in the guys face that was sitting across from him, and like posing for imaginary pictures. Drunk people just act sooo dumb! haha! So that was my New Years! Happy 2011! ;)
Saturday was just a chill Sarah day. I went to the gym, went tanning, ran some much needed errands! And that night me and Melissa and her other nanny friend went to see Gullivers Travels! Also an extremely funny show!! I recommend it! :)
Sunday was absolutely fantastic!!! I am just obsessed with the singles ward, and new friends!!! We are actually even planning a trip into the city on Saturday! :) Plus the lessons were amazing. AND the food at the 'munch and mingle'! :) I love everything about church! E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
And well... that brings me to today! :)
Today is back to the same old routine! School, naps, meals, and allll the other usual things! Anna is at Rachael's house for a playdate right now, and Ava is taking a nap. Its very... quiet. haha! I am expecting an e-mail from Elder Weber today sometime, which is ALWAYS super awesome! He is doing so well out in Nicaragua! He is such a stud, and one of my heroes! Tonight is FHE. Definitely going. haha! :)
Wellp, this concludes my longest blog post ever!!! If you read the whole thing, props! ;) haha! Peace and Blessings. :)
Resolution; The act of resolving or determining upon an action, method, procedure, etc.
Oh my glory! I can't believe it is already day 93! Time flies! I hit my 3 month mark yesterday! I'm a quarter of the way through! haha! That is insane to me. I arrived back in NY on Thursday, due to a cancellation of my flight the Monday before! I'm not gonna lie, i was sooo stinkin excited to stay in Utah for another 3 days! I just need to say one thing... I LOVE UTAH. So much. It is my home, and there truly is no place like home. I missed my family and friends so much, but i didn't actually realize how much until i got to be with them. I probably seemed like the biggest creeper, because i caught myself just staring at everyone,,, because i WAS SO HAPPY TO BE WITH EVERYONE! haha! It was such an amazing break! I don't know if i will remember everything i did, or on what day, but i am going to try, just for fun!
Friday Dec. 17th-
Flying ALL DAY LONG. The day started at 3 in the morning... after getting about hmm... one hour of sleep i got up and checked around for any last minute things, and ben was waiting outside! I am grateful that he took me to the airport, it was really nice of him. So i got dropped off, and ta-da! I was on my way! Yippee! I could hardly contain my excitement! The flights were torturing, because i was going home, and i just wanted to be there already!!! I couldn't sleep on the flight from laguardia to chicago, but i did get a window seat, so that was nice! Oh man guys, i wish everyone could've seen the sunrise that morning, from up in the sky! It was by FAR the prettiest sunrise i have seen in all my life! It was simply breathtaking! And i feel like i got front row seats! haha! I made it onto my next flight just fine, and turns out the librarian from SHHS sat right in front of me! We had a nice little chat, about eachother's lives, it was great! Extremely random, but great! haha! Fortunately on that flight i was able to sleep for about an hour, so that made time go by suuuper fast! Okayy, that was a lie, time seemed to decide to make like a turtle, and go really really really slow. But finally the plane landed.
And we walked out.
And i walked down the hall towards the baggage claim.
And there was my family.
I was impressed with myself for keeping my composure, i only shed a few tears. But on the inside i just wanted to bawl like a baby in relief/excitement/love. One of the best scenes i have ever seen are those of when my family is all standing together to either greet me, or send me off. Just to know they are there for me when i need them the most is the biggest blessing. And i hope they know how much i appreciate it. My sister is engages, and i finally got to see the ring, it is STUNNING, and sooo Ashley. :) And i would like to officially announce that Jason passes THE Lawnchair Test. Which is a big deal. Actually its funny, because i believe i first met the boy on the 4th of July. I think. Anyway, i was just so happy to be with everyone. Blake didn't stop growing, he is almost taller than me! Its bonkers. My mom and dad haven't changed one bit, which i love! They are fantastic parents. :) Oh, also, Alyssa and Micky were going to be at our house later on in the day! YAY! So sweeeet! Aly is looking great, and Micky is HUGE! He will be the studliest boy ever,, probably because he already is. haha! We went out to eat at Gandolfo's, and then i had to get ready for the wedding. Sheii got married!!! What?!?! She is the first out of our little group of girls, its so awesome! Last to recieve her first kiss, and first to be wed. What a great life. haha! The wedding was beautiful! They are in love, and its just the cutest thing ever. Congrats Carson and Sheii Lindley! It was also great to be a bridesmaid. First time, and definitely not the last. Also, i saw my girl Kexa at the wedding! It had been sooo long since i have seen her, and i was SO happy to see her! She is so fetchin adorable, and beautiful! I just missed her! haha! I saw lots of old friends, but that one just stood out to me! So AFTER the wedding our girls had our little early Christmas Eve party! Let me just take the time to say how much i love my girls!!! All of them. Especially Heath, Kai, Becs, Sandy, Amanda and Jew. Friends for life. We exchanged gifts, and chatted, but that's about all that happened, because we were all totally exhausted! lol! So that didn't last super long, but it was most definitely memorable! We all soon zonked out.
Saturday the 18th-
Hmm.... dang it, already forgetting what i did. haha! Ope, i remember! That morning, i had to be home somewhere around 9ish so we could take some family pictures! They turned out absolutely darling, if i do say so myself! And it was so nice to all be together. That sounds so cheesy, but i mean it! I loved it. If i remember correctly, this was also the day we went ice skating! The salem singles ward was having an ice skating activity on the roof of Noah's, and Heath and i decided we wanted to go! She of course brought Jake, and i brought Braidan! It was a good time!! I actually didn't fall once, which was really good for me! ha!
Sunday the 19th-
I attended the Singles ward, as well as my home ward! Both were phenomenal, and it was good to see everyone!! I am so lucky. And again i am realizing all the things i took for granted. I never fully appreciated the support i have had at home from friends. One in particular is Brother Hal Jensen! He has always been my number one advice giver, and i just know he genuinely cares about what i'm doing with my life, and is so supportive of every decision. He is like a grandpa to me, which is nice, because all my real grandpa's are so far away! Anyway, i love that guy! I believe we played Canasta as a family that night, and GIRLS WON! :) Holla! I'm pretty sure i went over to my friend Alex's house that night! It is always good to see Alex. :) And his family of course! Keri is such a sweetheart, and not to mention a divine cook! You should've seen their house when i went over, it was FILLED with home made goodies that Keri was making for her neighbor/friend gifts! Let me tell you what, those neighbors/friends were spoiled! haha! I just sure do love my Alex, he's a great friend!
All these days are kind of a blur. haha! But some key highlights were:
*Going to the Rowley residence multiple times. I SURE DID MISS THE ROWLEYS!
*Going to the Poulsen residence. I SURE DID MISS THE POULSENS AS WELL!
*Spending time with my bests. SURE DO LOVE MY BESTS!
*Random party with Ryan Reid and friends! haha. SURE DO LOVE RANDOM PARTIES AND RYAN!
*Going to get frozed yogurt for Becs birthday. I SURE DO LOVE FROZEN YOGURT. Also i got to see my great friend Evan this night. I think Evan is so great! What an awesome friend!!! I miss my little Ev chats. I SURE DO LOVE CHATTING WITH EV.
*Sleeping in. Something i missed dearly. I SURE DO LOVE SLEEPING IN.
*Morning talks with my dad. I SURE DO LOVE MY DAD!
*Playing supermarioworld with Alex. haha! I SURE DO LOVE SUPER MARIO WORLD. AND ALEX!
*Doin a little shopping. I SURE DO LOVE SHOPPING.
And that is all i remember for now!
Friday; Christmas Eve.-
Oh how i love Christmastime! I love absolutely everything about it! I love how there is an association with Christmas for all the 5 senses! Sight: snow covered everything, lights on houses and trees and buildings and around wreaths, the colors red and green and gold, people holding bags full of gifts. Smell: pine, cinnamon, baked goods, chocolate, oranges, roasting nuts. Sound: bells, carols, crowded shopping malls, 'merry christmas, and happy holidays', laughter. Touch: fur trees, soft velvet and fur on santa's suit, ornaments, hugs all around, holding the shopping bags, wrapping and unwrapping gifts, snuggling up to a loved one. Taste: peppermint, spice, melting chocolate, baked pies, ham, potatoes, and green beans, nuts, sooo much sugar. But most of all, Feeling: the unmatched gratitude for our savior Jesus Christ, having family so close, watching someone open the gift you thoughtfully gave them. And this Christmas Eve was another spectacular evening. We did the usual big dinner, with the fam (minus lyssr) including Jason and his brother! The dinner was exactly how i remember! And we did the Christmas questions like usual! Then we all got our pj's which were some pretty legit blue basketball shorts, and a gray t-shirt! We were ballin. ha! We got to open one present, which was some gloves/hat/scarf sets for the gals, and blankets for the guys from Grandma and Grandpa Hall! They are so soft and cute! :) AFter that we talked for a while, and went to bed, of course in anticipation for the following day!
We got up somewhere around 7oclock a.m. and did the traditional reading of the Christmas story from the bible before opening presents! Then the unwrapping began!!! Our big present was a trip to Disneyland in March! YAY!!! I'm stoked! :) My favorite part was giving everyone the gifts i got them, because i actually had the money this year, and could get them something they may need! It was just a really good feeling! The rest of the day was super chill, dad made the LARGE breakfast, and we all kinda bummed around in our p.j.'s all day watchin movies and such! haha! Ash and Jason left to go up to spend the day in Logan with Jason's family! It was just a good family day! :)
Sunday the 26th-
Not gonna lie, Sunday was a blast!! First of all i got to participate in Elder Ryan Reid's farewell talk! We sang the EFY Medley, and it went reallly well! Ry also did great in his talk, i'm proud of him! He will be fantastic out there. After that i went to my home ward to sing there as well! I sang one of my favorite Christmas songs, it is like an undiscovered treasure! ha! It is called Little Did They Know. Its a lovely song! :) So that was good to be in the h-ward again! After church i was kind of somber, because it was supposedly my last day there. Hmmm... I got all packed up, and then.... looked at the comp. to check the status of the storm on the east coast,,, it wasn't lookin too good! Hundreds of flights were being cancelled! So we checked my flight plans and....
i'm stayin. :)
We called the airline, and turns out the next available flight is Thursday!
What a beautiful thing.
I wasn't bummed one bit!! haha! Because i love Utah. And i love my family. And i love my friends. And this just meant more time with them!!! Yes!!! Monday i went shopping with the fam, and then went over to chill at the apt. with the girls! P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA!!! :) Tuesday was the real celebration for Beccer-Lou. We went to Spark, which is kinda a thing for our girls! And we got in the hot tub! It was way sweet! Oh and me, becs and sandy, decided to go to a movie! We saw Easy A! It was HILARIOUS!! But not quite as funny as freaking Sandy telling us that one time she hit a dog and reported it to the police and when they asked her what kind of dog it was she answered "oh.. it was a white... you know... e-coli!" BAHAHAHAHAHA! That was the best thing ever. haha! Man! Wednesday was family day, and officially my last day in Utah. (:( Mixed emotions. ha! I honestly do love NY, its just not home, ya know? I imagine that's normal! So the fam drove up to SLC, and rented a hotel close to the airport! We went to dinner at Olive Garden, my choice! Then we went back to the hotel, got in the hot tub there, and then went to bed! It was nice to just be with them. I love my mommy. Just sayin. So the next afternoon it was time to say goodbye. Again, i was surprised with my composure! But if i would've let myself cry, who even knows when i would've stopped. ha! So that was my journey home. :)
It is now Monday the 3rd, so i gotta tell you about NEW YEARS!
Melissa (one of my new nanny friends) and i were determined to go into the city and see the ball drop. So we did. Spencer came too, we went into the city, and got as close as we could. Pahaha! Which wasn't very close at all, but it was close enough! :) It was a memorable moment. On the train ride back, there was a group of drunk college boys that decided to sit right behind us... yiippeeee. haha! They were kinda funny! I was wearing those gloves that are half gloves, and half mittens ya know? And one of the kids said, "look that girl has glittens!!!" ha! so the whole ride they would say things like 'high five glittens' and 'i gotta get me some glittens' and 'yay for glittens'! haha! It was hilar. Finally they got off. But this other super wasted guy was sitting in front of us, and he was like putting his foot in the guys face that was sitting across from him, and like posing for imaginary pictures. Drunk people just act sooo dumb! haha! So that was my New Years! Happy 2011! ;)
Saturday was just a chill Sarah day. I went to the gym, went tanning, ran some much needed errands! And that night me and Melissa and her other nanny friend went to see Gullivers Travels! Also an extremely funny show!! I recommend it! :)
Sunday was absolutely fantastic!!! I am just obsessed with the singles ward, and new friends!!! We are actually even planning a trip into the city on Saturday! :) Plus the lessons were amazing. AND the food at the 'munch and mingle'! :) I love everything about church! E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
And well... that brings me to today! :)
Today is back to the same old routine! School, naps, meals, and allll the other usual things! Anna is at Rachael's house for a playdate right now, and Ava is taking a nap. Its very... quiet. haha! I am expecting an e-mail from Elder Weber today sometime, which is ALWAYS super awesome! He is doing so well out in Nicaragua! He is such a stud, and one of my heroes! Tonight is FHE. Definitely going. haha! :)
Wellp, this concludes my longest blog post ever!!! If you read the whole thing, props! ;) haha! Peace and Blessings. :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Days 58-65
Lovat; A greyish blend of colors, esp. green, used in textiles, as for plaids.
(I just saw that on the dictionary website and thought it was cool... haha)
Holy moley i have been such a slacker blogger!!! Why? Becasue i forget. And when i remember... i am too busy. haha! Well i am going to write down little moments i remeber from this past week!
We went and saw the famous tree in Rockefeller Center! WOW! It is so amazingly ginormous! And absolutely stunning!!! And there were SO MANY PEOPLE! It was a madhouse! haha! But man. The city at Christmastime is everything the movies make it out to be! So happy and crazy and noisy and exciting! I was in love! I adore the holidays in general, but this was such a special treat! I went with Liz and Anna, it was such a good time to bond with them, especially Liz! (Anna fell asleep in her stroller RIGHT before we got to the tree... bummer.) I am really starting to develop a love for this family! Its such a blessing i got the opportunity to serve them. Really, each one of them is an amazing person! 

Liz decided she wanted to use a new purse, so she gave me hers..... aaaaahhhh! Its a Steve Madden bag, (who is a big deal around here.. ha) and i'm reallll excited. I love it. I cleaned out my other bag, and left it laying around on the bed, and Ava found it... :) She is so stinkin cute.

I went to institute last week, and let me tell you what.... that Brother Anderson is an inspired man. Even now, just remembering the lesson just fills me up with so much love. Love for the gospel, love for my Savior, love for everyone really. We studied D&C 29-35. I was so touched. And just the way he taught it, was so powerful. I am not going to miss another instute while i am here!
I got a membership to the NYSC, (the New York Sporting Club) now i just need to start using it! I am going to be so fit, just you wait and see!!!! haha!
I think Anna is a little confused about the way she feels about having me around... she LOVES her parents, (obviously) and i think she is starting to like me too, but she doesn't want to at all... does that make sense? And so she will rebel, and say things that i really hate to hear, but i just have to realize how she must feel. But i hate it! I just want her to know that i am in NO WAY trying to replace her parents, i just more want to be her friend and protector, know what i mean?? But how do you get that across to a 4 year old? Any advice is welcome. haha.
So much is going on at home, and i am so close to coming, its hard to focus on anything else!!! I can't wait to be with my own family! Oh how i miss them. haha! Only 9 more days from today! Woot! I am still nervous to fly by myself. Just a little fact about me. lol.
I love food. And i love to eat. I have a hard time staying away from sweets. haha! That has been on my mind a lot lately. I need to stop. hahaha!
I really do love Anna and Ava.
I promise to you now, i will make more of an effort to blog more frequently! Like i did in the beginning. Man, i was GOOD.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Days 53-58:
Thanksgiving; A day set apart for giving thanks to God.
Days 53-55
All alone in the house. The first night was a little scary, but i got over it! haha! Thanksgiving day was good! I was really having a hard time not being with my family. This was my first Thanksgiving away from home.. :( I got to skype my family that day though, even got to talk to grandma Clark, and Tiny! haha! I love her! I used to hate it, but now i love hearing her call me Petunie! :) I was so jealous they were all together, and i am 234945201-ish miles away! ha! But i get what i signed up for, and it was yet another learning experience for me! The Anderson family were so sweet to let me come over and spend Thanksgiving dinner at their house! It was so nice, and so fun! Dinner was super tasty, and games after dinner were extremely fun! It was just a good time! I loved it! They really do remind me of my family in UT. :) The only downer was it was Ciera's last day in NY. :( But i will see her when i come home for Christmas! Yay! So after dinner and games, i went home and went to bed!
The rest of the weekend flew by. I was seriously the biggest loser! haha! I went and saw the movie Tangled, which is SO CUTE!!!! OH my glory, i love it! I want a fairy tale story like that for my life!! haha! I went to a local bakery, which was super impressive, and got a cupcake and hot chocolate,,,, by myself. ha! I cleaned up around the house a bit.... i did some laundry.... umm.... i did some shopping here and there, nothin too big though! And....... yup, that was about it! lol!
Sunday. The family got back late last night/early this morning, so it was nice to wake up to some noise! haha! They had a good time in chilly Rochester for Thanksgiving, so that is good! :) I went to church and came home. Ate dinner with the family, and skyped my real family! haha! I love Skype!!! Love love love love. I always feel lots better after i skype. Very thankful for skype this holiday season! ha!
Back to the normal routine! :) School, naps, lunch, snacks, playing! Woot!
Thanksgiving; A day set apart for giving thanks to God.
Days 53-55
All alone in the house. The first night was a little scary, but i got over it! haha! Thanksgiving day was good! I was really having a hard time not being with my family. This was my first Thanksgiving away from home.. :( I got to skype my family that day though, even got to talk to grandma Clark, and Tiny! haha! I love her! I used to hate it, but now i love hearing her call me Petunie! :) I was so jealous they were all together, and i am 234945201-ish miles away! ha! But i get what i signed up for, and it was yet another learning experience for me! The Anderson family were so sweet to let me come over and spend Thanksgiving dinner at their house! It was so nice, and so fun! Dinner was super tasty, and games after dinner were extremely fun! It was just a good time! I loved it! They really do remind me of my family in UT. :) The only downer was it was Ciera's last day in NY. :( But i will see her when i come home for Christmas! Yay! So after dinner and games, i went home and went to bed!
The rest of the weekend flew by. I was seriously the biggest loser! haha! I went and saw the movie Tangled, which is SO CUTE!!!! OH my glory, i love it! I want a fairy tale story like that for my life!! haha! I went to a local bakery, which was super impressive, and got a cupcake and hot chocolate,,,, by myself. ha! I cleaned up around the house a bit.... i did some laundry.... umm.... i did some shopping here and there, nothin too big though! And....... yup, that was about it! lol!
Sunday. The family got back late last night/early this morning, so it was nice to wake up to some noise! haha! They had a good time in chilly Rochester for Thanksgiving, so that is good! :) I went to church and came home. Ate dinner with the family, and skyped my real family! haha! I love Skype!!! Love love love love. I always feel lots better after i skype. Very thankful for skype this holiday season! ha!
Back to the normal routine! :) School, naps, lunch, snacks, playing! Woot!
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